Friday, June 27, 2014

The Unknown

[friday's food for thought]

As a gonna-be junior in high school, I am constantly being bombarded with questions and information about my future. Colleges contact me daily, people ask about my plans, and honestly I don't know much about them. The competitive school system these days places an immense pressure on students to get good grades and get into a good college and make a lot of money. This past year in English I wrote an essay about the definition of success. Society's version of success has been so twisted to being entirely based on doing what you're "supposed to" and is measured in accomplishments. This isn't what success is, though. Success is finding what it is in your life that gives you a purpose, and using that purpose to help others. This type of success is measured in happiness. This is why I try my best to not concern myself with these new pressures. I have no idea what I want to do with my life, but I know at some point I will find it. If I get stressed about this stuff, I remember that life isn't about what your grades were or what college you went to or even what your job is. Life is about the relationships you have built and the people you have helped. These thoughts are what make The Unknown bearable.

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