Monday, July 14, 2014

FPC goes to NOLA

Guess who's baaaaaack! I had the most amazing week in New Orleans with the most amazing people! We worked with an organization called Project Homecoming, which is a group that works with volunteers to build houses so that the people of New Orleans can finally come home. You may be thinking- "It's 9 years later... Isn't it already done?" It was absolutely ridiculous to see how much more needed to be done. It was such a blessing this week to grow in Christ with a group of people who had a passion for serving in a city full of people who never lost hope. Our theme was "Focus on Christ," and we did just that as we built houses and relationships bound by His love.

We were split into work groups, and Monday through Thursday we went to a certain house with our group to work. My group was the smallest, and we were going to be doing the interior painting for a house in the upper 9th ward. We got to interact a little with our homeowner Emanuel (sp?), which was awesome. He was super sweet and grateful and excited to return to his house that was destroyed in Katrina almost a decade ago. He also had a German Shepard puppy named Princess who was the sweetest dog ever! I'm really glad I got to spend the week at this house and see God's work being done!
Our group was the white group, and this was our van. We called ourselves Group Blanco.

Group Blanco on the first day with our homeowner, Emanuel, and one of our work site managers, Hunter. All this picture is missing is our wonderful adult leader, Holly.

Emanuel's house. He chose the red trim to remind him of his mother who had died.

 Group Blanco being the coolest.

Much of my week was spent on a ladder doing detail work.
Loving on Princess.
The adorable Princess.

My friend Samantha and I taking a break.
My friend Sophia and I being soul sisters.
Group Blanco working hard. If you look closely you can see we recruited a few more people by the end of the week.
On Friday, we spent the morning doing a project in the New Orleans city park. We were helping repaint the safety strips on the stairs in one of the stadiums. We then split up into groups (somewhat by grade) and spent the afternoon and early evening exploring the French Quarter.

My friend Maddie and I painting steps.

Taking a break from walking around the French Quarter.

Observing the "Church Quiet Zone" in the French Quarter.

Friends at Café Du Monde.

Cheers from Café du Monde.

Me looking awkward and eating a "boat" of crawfish for dinner.
In case you hadn't noticed in previous pictures, one of my youth leaders gave me cornrows towards the end of the week. It was just a fun thing to do and I felt really cool with them in. 
My friend Chloe Mae and I were corn row twins!

A selfie of me to show you my corn rows in all of their glory.

During the week, we were scheduled to go on a tour of the wetlands, but due to heavy thunderstorms, it was cancelled. We still got to see a Powerpoint presentation learning about them, but missing out on the tour was a bummer. Once it stopped raining, we had some free time and decided to go down to the Bayou and watch the sunset. It was so pretty! It's so important that we protect this land because it is deteriorating quickly. We saw a baby alligator and had a fun time hanging out and enjoying the beautiful view.
Did you think I lied about it being beautiful?

Our attempt at a group picture. I'm not even sure exactly where I am, but I love this picture!

Overall, it was an amazing trip! I had so much fun branching out and making new friends as well as strengthening my relationships with old friends. I learned so much about tragedy, the amazing human capacity for hope, and the amazing God who created that hope. If you are still reading, thank you for sticking it out-- I know this was long. But I'm so grateful for all the hard work done and relationships built this week! Until next time, NOLA.

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